Friday, October 3, 2008

Acne Diet

Acne Diet or the role of diet in the development of acne has been a controversial topic since a very long time. However research carried out in this field provide links between certain food and acne. As an acne sufferer it is a process of trial and error. However there are some acne diet guidelines that may be useful to cure acne.

Foods to Avoid:
In order to completely clear your acne it is very essential to avoid certain food stuff. At the same time it is also essential to find out that eating of which particular food has resulted in flare up of acne. And accordingly avoid that particular food. Here is the list of foods to avoid for heeling your acne.

1) Avoid Eating Junk Food:
Junk Food is a high calorie food that tastes better but unhealthy and with no nutritional values. Junk Food lacks in essential Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids and Fibers.Junk Food Junk Food contains high levels of Refined Sugar, Processed White Flour, Trans or Hydrogenated Fats, Saturated Fats, Sodium/Salt, additives such as artificial sweetner, preservatives and coloring agents which give a good platform for acne to flourish. Here is the list of junk food items that you should avoid.

i) Junk Food with high Amount of Refined Sugar and Processed Flour:
Avoid foods with high amount of refined sugar and processed flour like sweets, sugar donuts, pastry, cookies, pies, desserts, ice-cream, brownie, chocolates, puddings, fruit drinks, cold drinks, white bread, biscuits, pizza, burger, pasta, baked goods etc.
Sweets Causes Acne

Avoid Cake

Avoid Cookies

Avoid Ice-Cream to Prevent Acne

Chocolates Causes Acne

Nut Chocolates

Cold Drinks Flare Acne

Avoid Fast FoodMoreover, high level of sugar produces a high glycemic load which cause high rise in blood insulin levels. Chronologically high levels of insulin lead to blockage in the skin pores and extra oil building under the skin and thus promote Acne. Thus it is better to use Stevia, a natural sweetener rather than sugar.

ii) Junk Food with high Amount of Trans and Saturated Fats:
Avoid food with high amount of Trans and Saturated fats like French fries, potato chips, cheese burger and pizza, candy bars, fried and spicy foods, oily food, ready to eat packed foods, Punjabi sabji, muffins etc.
Avoid Eating Fried Food

Spicy Food Causes Acne

Oily Food - Main Cause of Acne

Avoid Packed Foods

Avoid Punjabi SabjiThis food contains a high amount of oil, salt and sugar. Also the Trans and saturated fats in this food stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. Excess sebum production would block the pores and thus promotes Acne.

2) Reduce sources of Vitamin B12 especially Milk and Milk Products:
Milk Could Cause AcneSources of vitamin B12 like milk and milk products, egg, poultry, fish and read meat shows the presence of saturated fats which promotes excess oil production and thus aggravates acne. Some studies proves that the worst cause of acne is pregnant cow’s milk and dairy products like pasteurized milk, cream, butter, cheese, yogurt(curd), buttermilk, margarine, goat’s milk etc. This is because nearly about 75-80% of the milk and milk products are derived from the pregnant cows. The milk of these pregnant cows contains a high amount of natural hormones like progesterone and 5-alpha reduced steroids. Milk Products On milk consumption these hormones break down into dihydrotestesterone (DHT) which activates the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. The excess sebum gets clogged inside the follicles and thus blocks the pores. Bacteria start growing into the pores and thus form a patch or comedo which is the first step of acne lesion called as pimple. Milk also contains high levels of iodine which is another reason to avoid excess of dairy consumption in order to get rid of acne.

3) Avoid Allergic Food:
Food Allergy is one of the main causes of Acne. When the immune system of the body mistakenly recognizes certain harmless food as foreign antigens then it carries out various toxic reactions to fight against that food. Thus eating of a particular food causes allergic reaction is known as Food Allergy.
There are many foods which can cause food allergy in individuals like dairy products, eggs, fish, wheat, peanuts etc. It has also been pointed out that overcooked food can also causes acne problems as it delays the process of digestion that causes toxicity. Skin reaction is the most common types of allergy reactions. Skin reaction can take the form of itchy, red, bumpy rashes, eczema, or redness and swelling around the mouth or face. It is also important to note that a particular food allergy in one person may not affect someone else at all. Thus, trial and error method is the only way to determine food allergy.

4) Reduce excess intake of tea and coffee:
Excess Intake of Tea and Coffee Causes AcneIt is better to reduce or avoid higher intake of tea and coffee as it can promote acne in some individuals. This is because tea and coffee specifically contains caffeine, milk and sugar and these constituents present in tea and coffee secretes a high amount of hormones in some individuals. And as we know high hormone production causes acne. Herbal Tea Prevents AcneThus, it is better to drink herbal tea and coffee (Caffeine free) and sweeten it with Stevia.

4) Reduce Vitamin E supplements:
Research has also shown that high doses of vitamin E supplements can promote acne. Thus, when you are suffering from acne it is better to stop taking high supplements of this vitamin and check the results.

5) Reduce intake of Nuts:
Excess Nut Intake Causes AcneReduce the intake of nuts including Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and filberts. Peanuts and peanut butter may provoke acne in some individuals. It is better to eat nuts in a small amount and eat raw nuts.

Acne Foods to include in diet:
Balanced DietHaving a regular and balanced diet or healthy food can to a great extent solve Acne problems. Here is the list of acne foods to include in diet in order to improve and clear your acne.

1) Drink plenty of water:
Drink Plenty of Water to Clear AcneDrink two glasses or 1 liter of lukewarm water in the morning immediately after you brush or an hour before you take your breakfast. This therapy would help you to eliminate all the toxins from your body and is referred to as Water Therapy. Also drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day especially in the beginning stages of acne development. Once you pass this initial stage you will see a major improvement in the skin.

2) Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet:
Try and have 4-5 servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit in a day. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as you wish, preferably organic.
Eat Vegetables to heel Acne
Take Salad to Solve Acne Problems
Eat Fruits to Clear Acne
Eat Wide Variety of Fruits
Eat a wide variety of fruits, not just the few that most American eats. The combination of fish and vegetables is likely to be the healthiest meal for those with acne. Always take salad along with your food. Salad is a good source of fiber and keeps you away from constipation which could lead to excessive toxin release and thus clears acne.

3) Include pulses in your diet:
Try to include at least one variety of pulses in your every day meal. This is because pulses and beans are very good source of proteins and fibers and are considered to have a low glycemic index.
Eat Variety of Pulses to Clear Acne

Mixed Bean Salad helps to Get Rid of Acne
One reason for the success of this low glycemic acne diet is that it limited the rise in high insulin levels which in turn prevent the blockages in skin pores and thus clears acne.

4) Increase fish intake to obtain essential fatty acids:
Increase intake of a variety of fish like halibut, salmon, tuna, sardines etc. These contain important omega 3 oils such as EPA and DHA. They will make a difference in the health of your skin.
Include Fish in your Diet
Eating more fish is one of the most important dietary steps you can take to improve your skin. Salmon eggs or fish eggs are also known to improve the health of skin since they provide many long chained fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory. And as acne is an inflammatory process it is better to eat foods that reduce inflammation. Try to Intake flaxseed or hempseed oil or fish oil capsules if your intake of fish is less than twice a week.

Acne Vitamins:
Vitamin A and Zinc have helped with acne. In addition Green Tea could also be incorporated into the diet (as it leads to a decrease in androgen production).
High levels of iodine in the diet do impact some acne sufferers - by causing new outbreaks of acne lesions. Note that very salty (iodized salt) foods such as chips etc, contain high levels of iodine and should be avoided.

Taking some measures can help you to cure and prevent acne. This can also help you to have acne free skin. It is suggested to consult a specialist if you are facing severe acne like cystic. There is no need to worry as there are many treatment, medicine and products available in the market to cure acne orpimples.


Unknown said...

A healthy diet will certainly improve your overall health. Instead of highly processed foods, try incorporating more whole grains (such as whole wheat bread, wheat pastas, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.) into your diet, as well as plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. baby eczema

john smith said...

Since panthenol is a bit difficult to find over the counter. Best liquid omega 3