Friday, October 3, 2008

Acne Diagnosis:

Acne diagnosis is all about identifying the particular type of acne and analyzing the causes of acne. Mild acne can be easily self -diagnosed on the basis of the appearance and the position of acne lesions. Acne lesions are most commonly found in the areas with higher no. of sebaceous glands, which include the face, neck, chest, upper arms, and back. But if you are not sure that what you are experiencing is acne or if there is severe acne then it is advised to see the dermatologist. Acne is diagnosed on the basis of history and simple visual inspection by the doctor. There is no test for acne.

Classification of Acne levels:
When the dermatologist diagnoses acne they classify it into four levels. They microscopically analyze the types of comedones present, the amount of inflammation, pus formation, breakout severity and the area infected by the acne. The four different levels of acne are classified as follows:

1) Level 1:- The mildest form of acne:
The skin of the infected person shows the presence of fewer closed comedones (white heads) and open comedones (Black heads) and some minor pimples. There is no inflammation and no pus formation. This form of acne can be easily treated.

2) Level2:- The moderate form of acne:
The skin of the infected person shows the presence of greater number of blackheads and whiteheads. There is no inflammation but Papules and pustules (pus formed lesions) are found. This form of acne can be treated but if there is no improvement after five to six weeks then it necessary to consult a doctor.

3) Level3:- Moderate to severe form of acne:
The skin shows large no of blackheads and whiteheads. Numerous amount of papules and pustules are found with greater amount of redness and inflammation on the skin. Nodules are often found.

4) Level4:- The most severe form of acne:
The skin displays numerous amount of blackheads and whiteheads. Large patches of pustules, nodules and cysts are found with greater amount of redness, inflammation and pain. There is a greater chance of reinfection. This level of acne is also called as cystic acne, must be treated by a dermatologist as quickly as possible.

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